AmigaActive (1787/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:28 May 2000 at 13:10:44
Subject:Re: CD-R Audio

Hello Neil,

On 28-May-00, you wrote:

>> Is this using the TEAC drive you wrote about?

> Yes. It's my own drive, bought in Cologne.

Sounds very impressive, I was amazed at the speeds you got with it in
the review.

>> What controller? CyberStorm?

> CyberStormPPC, but it's not particularly important for burning from
> MP3. Any SCSI controller should do, a most of the work is in
> decoding the MPEGs. For burning from a filesystem, especially when
> there are a lot of small files as on the AACDs, a fast SCSI
> controller is essential. Even with the CSPPC controller and a fast
> drive, the read speed drops to around 3.5X during the early stages
> of the build.

I think this is where I've been having problems. I have an Oktagon
2008, and while it is reliable and very easy to set up and use, I
suspect it is a bit slow compared to more modern controllers.

One thing I haven't been able to do is to make multi-session CDs, the
SCSI bus hangs every time.

I wondered if this might be due to the controller or the filesystem?
I've now chnaged from AmiCDFS to CacheCDFS, and as I got hold of an UW
HD at the KickStart Show I am now about to get my CyberStormPPC SCSI
controller up and running - hopefully I'll notice some difference!

I know that MakeCD is your preffered CD burning software - any
problems I should look out for when using it with the CyberStormPPC?


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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Remember the good 'ol days

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